Friday, December 12, 2008

Holidays are here!

Today everyone will be working on the same problem.

Today you will have three tasks.

The first is the most important and is required. You will determine how much it would cost to purchase all the items in the song, The Twelve Days of Christmas. Go to the following site to find the unit cost of each of the items in the song. Then determine how much it would cost in total, for all the items. Here is a site that will tell you this years costs for these items:

A couple of tips:

You may want to use excel to help in this task.

If you use excel save it and send it to our mailbox (include your name!!!) and I will give you extra credit!

BIG, BIG, BIG!!!! Remember that you that you will be purchasing a partidge in a pear tree on the first day, but on the second day of christmas you buy two turtle but you buy another partidge in a pear tree.

Task Two - Extra Credit:

Develope your own Twelve Days of Christmas. Create a list of what you would buy your "True Love" on the Twelve Days of Christmas and find out what it would cost you for these items. REMEMBER: If you buy, one the first day of Christmas the Batman the Dark Night, then for the second day you buy, Guitar Hero you have to buy them another Batman the Dark Night.

Task Three: This one is also extra credit.

Here is a list of online snowflake makers. (They are very fun, I tried each one myself!) You may play on the sites. Make some snowflakes. When you have made one you really like download or copy it, and then print it.

Now make a list of all the geometric properties and attributes contained in the snowflake. You may want to do a bit of research on snowflakes to find some of these properties. This is the important part and this is where I will determine the value of the extra credit. The snowflake itself is worth no extra credit points!

Have fun!

Ms. Leckman

P.S. The extra credit is due Monday!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Wet and Wild

Well, our first computer lab was delayed due to the sever weather. It has been a while since we have seen down drafts so prevalent and so strong, in our area. To those of you who were present on Friday, what a day huh? And for those of you who were not present, I hope there was no damage to your homes or families. Anybody have some good photos of the trees and lines down, let's post them? So, we will try hitting the lab again on Friday. Until then, enjoy your three (for some four day) holiday and I will see you on Tuesday.

Ms. L.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

All Wet

I have not checked and posted all the responses to this POW. However, I am seeing some common themes here some of which elate me and some of which are well...

I am elated to see you all saw the need for the Pythagorean Theorem in this problem!

I also noticed many, if not all of you, used guess and check to find the side lengths of your rectangle and this would be fully acceptable - however you never clearly indicated how you knew you had the correct side lengths. There was no proof that they in fact were correct. It was if you magically pulled them out of the air and viol la
, they were correct! If you did not, could not explain how you derived your side lengths I docked you points.

I also noticed that the extra credit was not appropriately taken advantage of, and other tasks were undertaken instead. Please do not overlook this opportunity for extra credit in the future.

Ms. L.

All Wet :

A rectangular lawn has an area of 667 square meters.
Surrounding the lawn is a flower border 4 meters wide.
The border alone has an area of 548 square meters.

A circular sprinkler is installed in the middle of the lawn.

What is the spraying radius of the sprinkler if it covers the entire yard, including the flower border?

Explain, in detail, all the reasoning, algebra, and problem-solving techniques you use to solve this problem. Represent all variables and include key steps and formulas you used. Don't forget to include a check for your answer. Answers may be given to the nearest hundredth. Bonus: What percentage of water is wasted (i.e. water that lands outside the lawn and garden)?

Good luck! :-)

Here is SM post:

1215 is the total area of the garden.
36 and 33.75
I got these numbers by dividing 1215 by 36 and getting 33.75
Then you cut the rectangle in half to find the circle radius and use the Pythagoras theorem A squared+B squared=C squared. Also subtract it from 8 because that’s the side length of the garden.

721 squared is 26.85
26.85 is your answer

Here is BB post:

Here is JS post:

Here is Ms. B.'s (aka frogger) :-)

Here is EK's post:

667 sq meters is the area of the lawn.
Plus a 548 sq meter border. 4 meters wide.

667+548= 1215 square meters.
Then I thouggght you divided by pi. But you don’t.

The square root of 386.94 (1215/ pi) is ………….. 19.671 which is the raaaaaaaaaaadius

Never mind.

Side Lengths: Length: 22.5 Width: 54. We had help from Tyler and tried different numbers.
54 square root + 22.5= 29.84 would be the radius

JW post:

First I gathered all the data that was usable:

The Area of the lawn is 667 square meters.
The flower border is 4 meters wide.
The area of the border is 548 square meters.

So, the rectangular lawn has an area of 667 square meters.
The total area of the lawn and garden is 1215. Next you need the sides that equal 34.8568. The Number needed to equal 667 which is the lawn area. I used the process of elimination, until I found two that could be put in the equation and equal 667
The side lengths that I found that worked was 22.5 and 54.

The height of the triangle is 17.4284

You have to cut the rectangle in half to make a triangle. Then you have to use the formula a squared plus b squared equals c squared. That makes a diameter of 58.4. Then you have to cut that number in half to get the radius. The radius is 29.2, which is the sprinkler radius.

The Radius is 29.25

Here is SV post:

Flowerbed area + area of lawn=y


Side lengths:
Length: 22.5
Width: 54
First, I found the side lengths of the rectangle with the trial and error process. Then I used the Pythagorean Theorem to figure out the radius.

(A squared + B squared= C squared)

54 square root +22.5= 29.25

Answer: 29.25

And last but not least RB's post:

Happy First Friday

Well, here we are Friday Lab. It will be a bit tricky making sure everyone is in the right place but I think we can do it!

There are some ground rules for those of you that are new to Friday Math Lab.

1. You are here to do math.
2. You come into the lab, log in, and proceed to the Problem of the Week (POW) for your class.
3. POW's are a requirement of the class. It is an assignment and it is graded.
4. You may work with a partner, however the final post needs to be in your own words. (Everyone needs a post so I can give you a grade.)
5. You may use any resources you need on the web, in the book, or with each other to post your solution.
6. All post automatically go to me prior to the web. I will approve it for the web. I will let you know when I have accepted and posted your work. However, keep in mind that I can call you up and tell you it is not finished and you will need to go back and edit your work.
7. Keep in mind from where I sit, I see all of your screens. :-)
8. You must start your post with the intial of your first name and your last name. NEVER USE A WHOLE NAME, NEVER REFER TO ANYONE IN THE CLASS USING A FULL NAME. You may use my whole name.

1. Work in Word first and then cut and paste to the comment box. If you leave the comment box open too long you will lose all of your work. (Also, you can not copy from the comment box and paste in Word. See why this is important in the next bullet.)
2. Always save your work in the Leckman to be graded file. If for some reason your post is lost while you are submitting it, we still have a copy.
3. Use appropriate language, we are live for everyone to see. You are the image of Madison Number One through your voice on the web.

Now on to your task for today:

7th Grade Honors - please read through: Tips for the New 7th Grade AEP, from last years 7th grade. Post your thoughts on their tips and then proceed to the 7th grade page and begin your POW.

8th Grade - Proceed to the 8th Grade page and begin your POW.

Welcome back 8th Honors - Here ya go... You get a choice today. I have a page set up for you if you would like a seperate page or you can keep posting on this page. I am rather proud of your work here and would love to see you stay here, but it is totally your choice. We need to decide which way we want to go. We will proceed from there. :-)

Good luck to all.
Ms. L.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tips for the "new" 7th grade AEP!

O.k. here is your chance to help out next years group. Please provide three helpful tips for successful completion of 7th grade honors.

Then provide a name, either you or one of your peers to organize the data (tips) and reorganize it in a manner that will be meaningful for our new group.

Ms. Leckman

Friday, May 02, 2008

Re-visit Function This Function That

Lovely, Lovely 8th grade students,

Just a note that this POW is a bit disasterous! Computation errors, in-accurate applications of order of operation... There are maybe two equations or answers that are correct from this blog. Please go back and re-visit the problem, then post where you think you went wrong, how you 'fixed it,' and your new equation and solutions. Whew! Scary! HELP!

Ms. Leckman

8th Grade POW

Your first task is to visit last weeks blog and post responses to the 7th graders. :-) Then find yourself a partner. Today's blog will require a bit of work and you may want some assistance. Make sure to put BOTH partners initials at the top for your post so I can credit BOTH of you. :-)
IMPORTANT!!! Be careful, some of the 7th grade questions ask for names - I WILL NOT POST WITH TEACHERS NAMES OR INTIALS. However you may discuss tough content areas and how to make themselves and their teachers happy to ensure a success and or pleasant 8th grade year. :-)

Here is your second task:

Function This Function That

Think of a function as a math machine with an input and an output. Suppose the function is A(x) = 3x + 1. That means if you put any number (x) into this function machine, the machine will multiply the number by three and add one. For example, what is the output if five is the input? Five times three plus one equals 16 for the output. That's written A(5) = 16.

Suppose you join two function machines so that the output of the first one is connected to the input of the second one. Let's make the second function B(x) = x^2, (remember that x^2 means x squared). If you put two into the A machine, out comes seven. Then seven is the input to the B machine which squares it, and out comes 49. Okay? That's written B(A(2)) = 49.

Here are five functions:

I am going to connect them in alphabetical order and use two as the input number. That would be written as E(D(C(B(A(2))))). The resulting output = 553,359.

What arrangement of functions will produce the largest output? Let x = 2 (or your input.) Each function used only once. I am looking for logical reasoning and algebra rather than just guess and check. Explain why you chose your particular arrangement. (Make sure to include your function in well formed, symbolic notation.)

7th Grade POW

New Home for Fibonacci and Descartes

Ms. Leckman decided that the Math Club mascots, Fibonacci and Descartes, had outgrown their 10-gallon home, so this weekend she picked up a 15-gallon aquarium at a flea market. Oliver and Suzanne have been assigned the task of setting up the new aquarium. They have been instructed to fill it exactly three-quarters of the way to the top. Fibonacci and Descartes will be transferred with some of the water from their current environment to help them adjust to their new home. Unfortunately, Suzanne and Oliver can not find a clean bucket for carrying water to the aquarium. All they can find are two eight-ounce glasses. Working from the sink to the left of the aquarium stand, Suzanne takes 45 seconds to fill one glass and dump it into the aquarium. Working from the sink to the right of the aquarium, Oliver can fill one glass and dump it into the tank in 39 seconds.

If Suzanne and Oliver start at noon and keep working at these constant rates, what time will they complete their task? Which student will add the last glass of water?

Remember there are a number of ways to solve this – so be sure to explain and show how you arrived at your solution to obtain credit for this assignment.

Extra Credit: What percentage of the tank is filled by each student?

Friday, April 25, 2008

Asking 8th Graders

Here is your chance, before they leave ask them anything you want. Today you are to post three questions.

Question one needs to be regarding success in the 8th grade.
Question two needs to be regarding 8th grade Honors Math class.
And the final question is anything you want.

Make sure that no one has asked any of your questions. Each question needs to be unique.
Ms. Leckman

Friday, April 11, 2008

Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations on your completion of AIMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today you will be completing two tasks. The first task is to present your perspective on AIMS assessments. The second is a math problem. Be sure to fully explain your answer, that means show how you got your answer. If you use symbolic notation understand that an equation is a tool to support proof. Explain what each of the parts of your equation represent and why they are important or why you have considered these factors.


Here are questions I would like you to address:

1. Do you like AIMS?
2. Does AIMS show what you personally know?
3. If you wanted to demonstrate what you have learned this year - how would you go about
proving your new mathematical understandings?


Fred and Frank are two fitness fanatics on a run from A to B. Fred
runs half the way and walks the other half. Frank runs half the time,
and walks the other half. The two run at the same speed and walk at
the same speed.
Who finishes first?
Ms. Leckman

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Bye Bye Blog

Just a note to let you know we will not be working on the blog for a week or two. We are in the midst of Third Quarter benchmarks and AIMS is right around the corner. Once we have completed these tasks we will be back to blogging and wiking away. :-)

Ms. L.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Math without Mathematicians?

Although we engage in learning mathematics every day, we never stop to think about the fact someone actually took the time to figure out the structures, connections, and rules of mathematics so that we could use it without having to re-figure it out every time. Here is your task for the day. Follow these links for historical information:

Explore some of the mathematicians or the mathematicians related to a genre of mathematics. Give us a peak into the world of three mathematicians. Be sure you understand what it is they really contributed to mathematics before you post. (This is why you may want to search by topic.)

In your write up please include the following:
Branch of mathematics
A interesting fact about the mathematician
How their contribution helps us today, give a real life example of the mathematics, or explain How their contribution has shown up in our studies.

You may not cut and paste. These are written in your own words in paragraph form, including correct spelling and puncuation. I can't wait to read what you find out about the eclectic world of mathematicians.

Ms. Leckman

P.S. Don't forget to make a major and minor edit to the wiki.

ENJOY YOUR BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 07, 2008

How Did They Know?????

Go to the Wiki and add a major post and a minor post. Then work on your POW.

Yes, you do have very, very talented classmates, but what is their "magic"? How did they know your birthday? Your task today is three fold.

First: Explain how they knew your birthday.

Next: Prove that your theory is correct in some mathematical manner.

Finally: Extend the magic. Create your own mystifying "trick".Post of of these on the blog so we have a "bag of tricks."

One week and counting until Spring Break! :-) Have a great weekend!

Ms. L.

Maybe this will help! Here are the cards.

Friday, February 29, 2008

And now for something completely different

New "stuff"!!!! We now have a class wiki. I am not able to access our class webpage for a short bit so I have added a link to the side of this page as well as, the grade webpages and here in this post. As soon as I can access our class webpage I will post it there. The wiki will be part of the Friday Lab time. It is a weekly assignment.

Today we will also be looking at what you know and what you do not know. Today will provide a way for you to know what to practice prior to our Benchmarks and AIMS. Please follow the links to the practice tests. These test will provide feedback for you immediately so you have an idea where your strengths and refinement areas lie.

When you find your refinement area you can use your books or the online activities and 'How to's' to improve your understandings.

McDougal Littell

MAC 8th Grade

MAC 7th Grade

Please print the scores to your section assessments and bring them to me. Make sure your names on them.

Please let me know if you need any assistance.
Ms. L.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Pool Tables

Today you will need the worksheets posted on your webpages, the interactive link and directions below. (There is a spreadsheet for this activity if you would like to try you hand with excel.) After exploring the interactive and work pages you will post a conceise summary of the questions posed throughout the lesson.

Marisa created a game called Paper Pool. Her pool tables were rectangles drawn on grid paper. The pockets at each corner were labeled A (lower left), B (lower right), C (upper right), and D (upper left). Marisa described each table by its size, giving the horizontal length first and the vertical height second. The figure below shows a 6 × 4 table.

How to Play Paper Pool
• The lower-left corner is always corner A, and the labeling continues counterclockwise
with B, C, and D.
• The ball always starts in corner A.
• The ball is hit with an imaginary cue (a stick for hitting a pool ball) so that it travels at a
45° diagonal across the grid.
• If the ball hits a side of the table, it bounces off at a 45° angle and continues its travel.
• The ball continues to travel until it hits a pocket.

Link to webpage:

Link to handouts:


1. In what corner will the ball stop?
2. How many hits will have occurred by the time the ball stops?
3. Write rules (equations) that you could use to determine what will happen to the ball as it travels on a table of any size. Your rules (equations) should tell you, without drawing the path, the corner at which the ball will stop and the number of hits that occurred. (These might be separate equations.)

Support your answers with examples in the form of patterns, spreadsheets, tables, graphs and or illustrations.

If you have any questions please see me.

Ms. Leckman

Here is a short video with some of your responses. My video will go fast so be prepared to use the pause button to spend a minute or two on a solution. I will be posting these on our class webpages to see if we can get a larger view. :-)

K.A. Video

Enjoy. I will try to post more video this year. :-) Yes, I truly am a nerd, I try to learn new "stuff" (sorry Mrs. Campbell) all the time. :-)

Ms. L.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Star Light Star Bright

The 7th grade problem,

Martha Stewart wants to rebuild her ugly garden. She thinks it needs a modern twist and decides to make a star-shaped garden where the legs of the star will be filled with flowers and the central pentagon will be grass.
Martha needs your help to calculate the floral area and grassy area in this new garden design. Then she can figure out the equipment and materials she will need for the project.
To form this star, simply extend the sides of the pentagon to make the legs of the star. Here are the dimensions of her stellar garden:

each leg of the star is a triangle with two sides, both 20 feet long, and an height of 19 feet.

The pentagon is regular (the sides are all equal and the angles are all equal),

and the distance from the center of the pentagon to one of the sides is 8.5 feet.

To the nearest square foot, what are the areas of Martha's flower section and grass section. Because Martha is not sure what she would like to do, please provide three different ways she could arrange her garden, be sure to let her know the area each floral and grass area will take. Explain how you solved one of the area problems. BE SPECIFIC! Walk us through all of your steps.


What are the odds????

Here is the 8th grade POW:

Draw six cards from a standard deck of 52 playing cards without replacement. How many distinct ways can you choose these six cards so that:

1) The first card drawn is a spade,

2) the second card drawn is also a spade,

3) the third card drawn is a club,

4) the fourth card drawn is a diamond,

5) the fifth card drawn is a red card (either a diamond or a heart), and

6) the sixth and final card drawn is an ace?

What's my line?

What's my line?